If you go to the website for the hospital you want to register at, on the maternity page they should have information on how to self-refer on there, I had to fill out a badger notes form. It does take a while for them to get back in touch with you depending on where you are, for me it took over 3/4 weeks to hear about a booking appointment
Yes, you need to refer yourself to your local hospital. Should be a form to fill in and email over and they will arrange your first two appointments.
If you look on the website for your local hospital there will be a pregnancy self referral form which you can fill out. Failing that call the doctor back and ask them to refer you but it’s a lot quicker with the hospital direct. Then you can be booked in for your first midwife appointment around 8-10 weeks which they will then book in your 12 week scan x
You need to refer yourself for maternity services. In my council area I could phone a number for the community midwives service and over the phone they took details and gave me my booking appointment and scan appointment. If you’re still unsure try phoning your GP again and reception staff should be able to assist you with the number.
My local hospital have a self referral form which is on their website. Have you tried looking online for your specific hospitals maternity unit?