@Jana no, my bloods say it’s fine. But my BP is changing from high to low and my protein levels are constantly shooting really high to nothing and then high again. I’ve had one test for pre eclampsia which came back as “low” a few weeks ago.
You can have some protein in your urine that comes and goes, it can be a physiological thing. Or if you have UTI. Also the sample may not be clean, there could be contamination. A reliable test for protein level would be protein-creatinine ratio.
I would call your triage and ask them to dip test and then send off to labs. The labs will be able to give you a definitive answer. Hope you get to the bottom of it!
@Chay omg girl i am having the same blood pressure issue!! super high then super low and feeling like im gonna pass out etc where did u get these test strips??
@Annie just from Amazon! Looked up one step urine strips was all x
Not saying that there’s not anything underlying, definitely follow up with midwife or triage if you feel they are not listening to you. However, protein on these sticks doesn’t necessarily mean any problems, i’ve had it a couple of times now and they’ve sent it off and it’s all clear. I was told that sometimes your urine can be contaminated by discharge etc causing a positive reading on these but when tested further by labs there’s actually nothing wrong ❤️
Looks like you have protein + Not a tragedy. Have you been diagnosed with preeclampsia? Or pregnancy induced hypertension?