Thanks! It’s so painful, think i remember having a UTI during secondary school but nothing like this! How long were you prescribed antibiotics for?
@Zoe Saffron Piper this is my fourth UTI during this pregnancy and historically i usually get three a year so I’m an old hat. It depends on which they prescribe to you. I’m currently on a course of 21 tables taking 3 a day so 7 days. Sometimes it can be for 5 days, likely depends on severity of infection which i’m guessing is indicated on whatever test they use x
Thank you honestly that’s been so helpful!! X
I’ve got a UTI now and had slight bleeding so that’s why I went in to get checked. I’ve got a 7 days of antibiotics and I’m still having pain in my rib when I’m due my next tablets so not cleared up yet
I had bleeding at 22 weeks they admitted me into hospital for 24 hour monitoring, they said the bleeding was from my cervix but didn't know the cause, I received a text to say I had a bacterial infection and course of antibiotics but still don't know if it was the cause of bleeding best to get that checked out, our cervix becomes more sensitive when pregnant so could have been from you having sex.
If you have an infection it will show up when she dips your urine sample and you’ll be prescribed antibiotics. I was in hospital on Sunday and had to go to Mat triage, left my urine sample and got a text the next day to say I was being prescribed antibiotics for a UTI. It might be worth mentioning the bleeding if it’s still happening as well