When should I worry about baby’s movements?

I’m just over 24 weeks. First time mum. I’ve been feeling kicks since 20 weeks. Some days baby kicks/moves more than others. I spoke to a midwife today and she said to monitor and make sure babies movements are regular in a pattern. I’m worried as it’s different everyday. I’m high risk too so I have scans every 3-4 weeks and get see baby. I had one last Wednesday and I didn’t feel baby kick that much when they did the ultrasound but it took them around 30mins to look at the things they needed to as baby wouldn’t stay still. Very active. Should I be concerned?
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I’ve been told they won’t get a pattern until about 28-30 weeks. Before then it’s just noticing that they are moving. I went to hospital on Saturday as I had felt reduced movements and they said it’s common at this stage (25w) as they are still small enough to move positions etc and so might not feel as much. If you are worried tho go and get checked!

Trust your instincts but they can have quieter days and can still move to positions where they can be kicking but you might not feel it because they're still small. Try drinking a fizzy drink to see if they move when you worry but always contact them if you are worried. Better to be safe than sorry x

Although it’s common they have quiet periods every now and then. If you have any concerns at all just go get monitored. Don’t worry about anyone else’s opinion on it, all that matters is you and your baby and you feeling anxious doesnt help anyone. The staff will rather you be seen than sit at home worrying ♥️ I know some people say not to worry until later on but as soon as baby starts establishing a pattern e.g regular movements then it’s important to report any differences. Everything is likely always fine but it’s not worth risking xx

it’s really hard to notice movements a lot if you’re busy throughout the day. i only really notice my little one’s movements after i eat/drink and when i’m lying in bed. I don’t think they get a pattern until around 28 weeks as this is when you’re encouraged to start using the kick counts app, but you know baby better than anyone so if you’re worried about movements and a cold drink doesn’t get them moving for you then a trip to MAU isn’t the worse idea, better to be safe❤️❤️

28 weeks plus xx

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