Felt like torture but i had to let my baby cry for milk first and do blw as soon as he was done i would offer a bottle right away
I was told never try to wean hungry. They will be to upset to eat and to try 1 hour before or after bottle. What ever works best. But just let them play with food they struggle to pick up they will get it in the end maybe try to show them how to pick it up and turn it into a game . They will pick it up before you know it don't worry my girl eats like a champ with hands now as we have been blw since she was 6 months old but it took time and she had to learn at her own pace. You got this .
For slippery foods like avocado and cucumber you can roll one end in something like dessicated coconut, hemp seeds or ground nuts so they can get an easier grip on it x
He'll get there. If he's a beginner baby led weaner then he'll still be learning how much pressure to use to grab foods and there may also be an element of unsure if he's meant to be feeding himself or you're feeding him if you're still spoon feeding. We did blw from the start at 6mo and it took our LG just over a month maybe to kinda get to grips with the pressure and start practicing pincer grip too. To add, if he's only recently started blw then the food should be cut as such - if you're using something like solid starts that goes by 'age' rather than 'stage' then you'd need to start baby with the 6mo (beginner) cuts/serving rather than the 9mo (intermediate/advanced weaner) ones. Really they should be '1st 3 months of blw' instead of 6-9mo if that makes sense.
I bought a crinkle cutter so it was easier for my babe to grip, you can pick them up pretty cheaply x
Everytime you offer food baby should hungry just keep in mind food is experimental up until 12 months