Ella’s melty sticks

Anyone had reaction to these? My LO is having a reaction and we’ve only fed him broccoli, avocado and these.. so I’m assuming it’s these?
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Mine has a reaction as well. He doesn’t enjoy them. Only the organix brand. I know it’s not a maize, gluten or wheat allergy since he’s fine with other products/bread etc so I can only put it down to Ella’s kitchen products

Has he had avocado safely before as I know a few people with avocado allergies. It could be a maize (corn) allergy if the avocado isnt the cause

Mine always reacts to Ella’s kitchen stuff, I think their cross contamination must be quite high. We just buy the supermarket versions now (which are usually cheaper!)

My girl reacts to sweetcorn so it could be that? She used to be fine with the other melty sticks although now she seems to be sick with any corn based crisps so could be the corn Did you try avocado and broccoli before and no reaction?

Corn is one of the top allergens in America apparently (i guess they eat a lot more of it over there)

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