@Kate thank you x
No problem, there’s also a FB group of the same name which is really helpful, and a group on here. Tbh, I’ve been eating much nicer breakfasts since getting the diagnosis 😂 this morning I had almond pancakes with berries and yoghurt.
@Kate they sound amazing! Is it just almond flour instead of normal? Xx
Pretty much, I think. And then if you want to make them sweet, use a sugar substitute instead of sugar.
Lots of veggies for sure. Fruits like berries, green apples. Everyone is different so what might work for me, might not for you. It’s trial and error really until you find what your body likes and can handle. Recently I’ve been having Greek yoghurt with sugar free granola and strawberries and it works a treat! Loads of wholemeal too, so bread, pasta and rice. And lots and lots of protein, so meat. Cheese is also really good and usually keeps sugars down. I was told nuts but noticed they up my sugars for some reason. And eggs are good too. There’s loads of sugar free biscuits (if you’re in the UK) ping me a message and I’ll show you what ones I have that help with my sweet cravings x
www.gestationaldiabetes.co.uk - loads of info and recipes on here!