Hi Lydia, that’s great thank you so much!!
My 14-month-old refuses to drink milk—he just doesn’t like the taste. I’ve tried mixing it with his formula, diluting it with water, and every other trick you can think of, but no luck. Right now, he’s on toddler formula and has 3-4 meals a day, so he’s still getting what he needs. My pediatrician suggested transitioning him to milk cold turkey, but I’m not comfortable with that because I don’t think the added stress is worth it for my son. I’m confident he’ll make the switch when he’s ready, so for now, I’ll just keep offering it occasionally and let him adjust at his own pace.
We moved an ounce at at time as advised by the dietician, he was on 8oz I think so started on 7 of formula and 1 of cows milk, then increased the cows milk and decreased the formula an ounce a day, he never noticed the difference 😊
We just tried giving him a bottle of cows milk instead of formula the night of his first birthday to see how it went and he took it no problem! I'd only advise transitioning oz by oz if your child rejects it (so if you normally give 8oz, make 7oz formula and top up the last oz with cows milk, then increase the ratio over time). They don't really need milk after 1, so if they drop it altogether then that's not an issue, as long as they get yoghurt, milk and cheese in their diet as well. After 1, 3 meals and 2 snacks while drinking water should be sufficient, cows milk is just for babs who still have it as part of their routine and enjoy a bottle/like it for sleep etc. Good luck! 😊