Same here. And it’s not really hysterical crying it’s like constant whinging… I have a low tolerance too. I see lots of posts saying it’s the parents fault for giving in but honestly I’ve tried lots of times to leave him to it but it doesn’t help
Is it proper crying or whining? Because my child whines from the second she wakes up to the second she goes to sleep 😂😂😂
Same here, I don’t remember my eldest being like this! Sometimes he will be really happy to just play on his own but most of the time he cries if I put him down and wants to cling to me all the time. Cries when we put him in the pushchair but generally ok if we keep moving.
It's not just us then! I think temperament is a big part of it. She knows what she wants and definitely knows what she doesn't want! 😆🙈
Same here 👋🏻 if she doesn’t like something she is sure quick to tell me and i attend her all the time so she knows she can express her dislikes that will be answered all the time. I just put it down to her temperament and just riding it out 😀