Weaning help

Our little girl is 6 months old and we have been offering some pureed food such as porridge for breakfast, sweet potato, carrot, some Ella’s kitchen pouches etc and she will try a couple of mouthfuls and then refuse any more. Should we stop for a week or so to see if she is more interested, or keep persevering?? Feel like we’re winging it🤣
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At this stage weaning is just for first tastes and exploring. Our little boy will only take a few mouthfuls too, but we are sticking to a routine and he’ll eat more when he’s ready ☺️ just enjoy introducing her to new tastes and don’t worry about how much she’s eating for now

We’ve only really been weaning for about 2 weeks and not had much variety yet as he’s only 6 months tomorrow but from 5 months we teased our own food/ cutlery with him to start getting him interested , opening his mouth, grabbing things etc and now when I do put him In his high chair and feed him he’s very engaged and as soon as he’s not bothered I stop like the above comment it’s only for exploring not filling them up. Maybe just stick to porridge/ rusk/ mashed banana with her own milk just to get her more interested for a week x

First time my boy tried Heinz spag bol he had about 2 mouthfuls and was like yuk!!!! Now he eats a whole jar xx

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