Elevated NT

So im currently 13w pregnant and at my 12 week scan my OB noticed a thickened NT (5.4mm) but he was unsure so he referred me to a maternal fetal medicine specialist. I just saw him yesterday and he confirmed the thickness and verified the nasal bone (which was normal). He also had me do an NIPT test and everything came back normal on that test. However, the specialist told me that he's "very concerned" and wants to see me again in 4 weeks to check on baby's heart when it's a little more developed so he can see it clearly and check for any defects. So far everything looks "normal" with the exception of the NT but he started trying to talk to be about possibly aborting if the baby isn't healthy and telling me how I'm currently looking at a 50/50 shot at a healthy baby. Not sure if anyone else has experienced something similar yet but this guy seemed hell bent on scaring the shit out of me so I'm not sure if this is a normal experience. Help!!!!
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This is scary! Did they do the genetic blood test as well? I think it’s called the panorama? I’m also surprised if you’re in Texas they’d even suggest abortion. My OB wasn’t even allowed to say it legally in the surgery when I asked about my safety if things went south. As hard as it is I would try not to stress and see how things go at the appointment in 4 weeks.

@Beth th We did do the blood test and it came back normal on everything. But because the NT is so thick, he thinks it's still a huge red flag for other defects. And i was surprised too when he outright said the a-word at me. I definitely just have to wait but it's so stressful!

Sorry to hear that crossing my fingers that it all turns out ok. I really thought that the blood test was actually more accurate. Saying that I’m not a doctor so really have no idea. Really hoping everything turns out OK in your next apt.

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