@Lara good to know, thanks! I’ll do a little mouth inspection
Other signs: The drool intensifies. Like Niagara falls pouring over their bottom lip level. And chewing on harder and harder things. When they start chewing on the chair legs... The worst of it generally lasts 3-5 days until you get to the molars.
With my son we didn’t notice until the teeth cut same with molars. And it was only like he would smile and we’d go damn another tooth 😂 My daughter has been miserable for like a week before the teeth cut but before that maybe a week or two of intense drooling
@Miriam ha! The chair made me laugh 😆 don’t think we’re quite there then. Although he is starting to munch right through those milk pops!
@Khyia aww poor baby girl! I didn’t think the drooling could get worse 😂 but I seem to be mistaken! Hope you’re lo is doing alright
@Tyy now that they are in we are doing much better. I swear by the camilia teething drops. Those things are. God send and both my kids like the taste so it wasn’t a fight to get them to take them. I just got a new box cause I think her top too teeth with sprout soon Ooh another thing i noticed is her cheeks were really flushed and sometimes her chin. She’s bit lighter than I am so idk if my son did too cause he’s darker than I am but that could be something else to look out for.
@Khyia that’s great to hear!! Thanks I’ll look out for flushed cheeks and look into those drops as well!
You can see & feel when it’s close to cutting! It’ll be white and hard under the surface because their gum will be quite thin. Ashton & Parsons teething powder worked great for my little boy x