@Julsz Thankyou very much, my husbands nephew has ds so we’ve had a few comments about our little one regarding his eyes x
Request genetic testing. There is such a range of signs and degrees they are affected. My son has has it, he is advanced is some areas and delayed in others. At times, you can tell he has DS by looking at him and other times you can't. I would suggest both blood and buccal swab, can check for mosaic DS then too (sometimes only shows in skin cells, check out Ashley Zambelli - she was diagnosed as an adult via buccal swab after having multiple children with DS).
You have to get a blood test to confirm. There are certain characteristics that are common, but not every child with DS will have. When they are babies is actually When they are closest to their typical peers in terms of milestones and everything, so going based off of a check list so to speak wouldn't be helpful, especially at this age. Also, whether your baby has DS or not, they will share so many characteristics and traits from you and dad, so that makes it even harder to tell.
Okay my lovely, our girl has small eyes and they are the cutest thing ever ❤️
When my son was born they didn’t tell me either they said he had characteristics and they did a common echo that I believe most babies with Down syndrome have and they also did a blood test . What I have noticed that a lot of babies with Down syndrome have is it’s called sandle gap toe which it’s just the cutest thing and my son is very adap with his feet he also has a line going across both hands on his palm also if you look closely at your babies eyes they have these beautiful white specks in their eyes almost looks as if they are painted. The journey with these little ones are so beautiful and enriching I love my son more than anything on this planet
I'd request the blood test for peace of mind, otherwise you'll always be questioning and you just want to know so you can prepare. We had 1 in 800 something and we were that lucky 1! 😃 He's absolutely gorgeous, and wouldn't change him for the world. You can also look for the creases in the hands, if they have one or two? They said to us small ears are a sign also. Xx
There are features like small eyes, small tears, muscle tone might be a little weak, won’t be able to hold head up for too long. But I would imagine if little man had DS the doctors would have defo done a test to confirm however, there’s no harm in asking questions. Just know whatever the results DS or Not babies are special and beautiful in their own way.