“boring” relationship

my partner has just come to me and told me he feels really bored in our relationship, and like he’s living with a roommate rather than a partner, and it’s really really broken my heart. in my head i can’t understand where this has come from, we started a new game together, we’ve been watching a show together, he has no interest in going out or drinking or anything so i really don’t understand what’s missing. i’m quite heavily pregnant now (35w) have severe pgp and hg so i struggle to really be active or leave the house. i just don’t want him to feel bored of me.
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That’s an awful thing to say to someone that’s 35 weeks pregnant! How long have you been together for? Are you sexually active (some couples aren’t through pregnant and some are) Has he offered any type of reason for why he says he is bored

Did he explain why he feels bored and what he'd like to see change? If not I'd have another conversation and outline what needs to change. My husband told me our sex life had gotten routine and boring and we had to have a sit down conversation about how we could both do better and what we'd both like to see change.

@Kathryn our sex life isn’t the most active but we do still have sex, we both find it awkward with me pregnant and i don’t think that’s the issue. he told me it’s because we don’t spend time together, but i feel like we do. i realized i got quite sloppy with doing things for him recently, so i made a point to start offering him coffees in the morning, and picking him up bits from the shop, and cooking him meals from scratch. and it’s just devastated me so so much hearing he’s bored, and all i can do is sit here and cry

My husband told me the same and what we had to really talk about what in what areas. Our main problem area was in our day to day activities. Talking with one another. We found each other only talking about bills, baby, or work and not the conversations we had before. So we put away shows, video games, and limited our baby talk. We pulled some board games, went to book stores, and dated each other. For me I started doing my makeup and dressing up more even when I was tired.

It hurts I know. I cried for a week and avoided him (which made it worse). But I did some reflection and realized I was neglecting being his wife/partner and not just the baby mama. Once we switched that up we grew closer. That was months ago and we are still working on it.

Honestly it’s a really good thing he said something. I know it hurts to hear but this is him wanting to try and make changes so that y’all are happy & excited to be in your relationship again so take it positively. Check out @ thelibidofairy on instagram, she’s got a ton of content about being active and present in a relationship

@KayLee to me it’s not what he’s trying to communicate that’s the issue, it’s the way he’s said it. he told me i’m like a roommate and a friend to him, and didn’t offer any constructive advice on what could be improved between us, just that he was bored of me. i think it would’ve been a lot better if he came to me and said he wanted to spend more time together, or he wanted to find a new hobby, or just anything BUT what he said. he told me last night he was just going to sleep on the couch and then remembered that the woman upstairs (me) was actually his partner and not just a friend, and i’m just so devastated.

Oh yeah i can see how that would be hurtful)-: some people aren’t great at communicating but like I said the fact that he said SOMETHING is better than just continuing to suffer until animosity kills whats left. Newborn stage puts a huge strain on couples too, hopefully y’all can open up lines of communication before your baby comes so you’ve got a plan for the upcoming stress

Ugh I think that’s awful and his timing sucks. Ask him what he wants to change. What would make him happy? Def have a conversation now before baby comes and your hormones go a bit nuts. But it could have nothing to do with you and anxiety over baby coming too? Your lives are changing a lot now. My husband said the roommate thing when I was struggling postpartum.

If it’s just bc of this moment in time-know that your body will change and you will be yourself again in the future. When baby grows older you’ll get more alone time together. Right now the next 6 months or so will be tough on your relationship bc it’s hard to be really prepared for the toll it’ll take on you until you live through it

My bd tells me I’m boring, I think it’s slightly positive that he’s trying to talk to you and express himself rather than pull away. Maybe you could try showing understanding and hear what’s bothering him (don’t get me wrong, I struggle to do this myself)

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