You can lose pieces of your plug for a few weeks. If you're having any contractions, odd pains, your water broke, or any other symptoms, go in immediately. You should still contact your provider and let them know and see what they say. They may want to have you seen, just in case.
I lost mine at 32 weeks! You can lose pieces of it and it can regenerate. Unless it was mixed with blood or you are having pains. there isn’t any need to worry. I had my baby at 36+4 so completely unrelated
Yes you can start loosing it around then and then a few times up until actually going into labour. It regenerates! I first lost mine around the same time as you , then maybe 2 or 3 times more before the 2nd sweep I had at 40 weeks, I woke up having contractions, went to the loo and had my bloody show, it was game time then 😆
I lost part of mine at 26 wks, it can regenerate but if you start having consistent contractions or pain you should go in to check!
I'm 34+4 and I think I'm losing mine aswell