I would pronounce it Mir-ay-ya
@Sophia id probably go the same way as you But honestly no idea hahaha!
looking at it, i would probably pronounce it Mih-ray-uh. i can kinda see how it could be Mih-rye-uh - but honestly, i wouldn't know. 🤷🏻‍♂️ definitely not Mariah or Maria though, just based on how it is spelled.
Absolutely no idea how I would pronounce that at all! I agree with the above comments- My-ray-ya, Mir-ay-ya. How were you hoping it would be pronounced?
I would assume it’s Mir-ay-uh
I would say Meh-ray-uh. It looks pretty! Curious how you plan to pronounce it
Me-raya ?
I went to school with a girl who spelled her name like this and she pronounced it Mir-ay-ya. Not sure if that’s typical or not though as she’s the only one I know
Me- ray-yah
None of those options. Maybe, Mire-ya? I would have no idea.
Mir-ya? (Like mirror-yuh)
It’s a Spanish name and is typically pronounced Me-ray-ah
I have legitimately no idea how this would be pronounced. I would say it like my-ray-ya