How would you pronounce this name - Mireya

Hi guys! We are wondering about the spelling for our LOs name and if there would be confusion if spelled this way. Do you think the name Mireya sounds like....
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I have legitimately no idea how this would be pronounced. I would say it like my-ray-ya

I would pronounce it Mir-ay-ya

@Sophia id probably go the same way as you But honestly no idea hahaha!

looking at it, i would probably pronounce it Mih-ray-uh. i can kinda see how it could be Mih-rye-uh - but honestly, i wouldn't know. 🤷🏻‍♂️ definitely not Mariah or Maria though, just based on how it is spelled.

Absolutely no idea how I would pronounce that at all! I agree with the above comments- My-ray-ya, Mir-ay-ya. How were you hoping it would be pronounced?


I would assume it’s Mir-ay-uh

I would say Meh-ray-uh. It looks pretty! Curious how you plan to pronounce it

Me-raya ?

I went to school with a girl who spelled her name like this and she pronounced it Mir-ay-ya. Not sure if that’s typical or not though as she’s the only one I know

Me- ray-yah

None of those options. Maybe, Mire-ya? I would have no idea.


Mir-ya? (Like mirror-yuh)

It’s a Spanish name and is typically pronounced Me-ray-ah

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