Just had a growth scan

I'm 36 +2 and the growth scan just said baby is 3.7 kilos...has anyone had any similar experiences and not had a massive baby? 😅
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I’m also 36+2 and our baby is apparently 3.2kg! They said if I go to 40 weeks they expect her to gain another 2lb 😳

I’m also 36+2 and 3.7 kilos. What I would say is that the measurements are sometimes very off! I’ve requested another scan at 38 weeks to remeasure and will then decide between just going for it vaginally or putting my foot down for a c section!

@Gem have you accepted an induction?

@Diane I did the exact same, I said I want another growth scan at 38 +2 and after that I'll start accepting sweeps. She was not happy, she was very keen to book me in for induction at 37 weeks 🫨

They haven’t offered one! Should they? I have a clinic next week but they didn’t say anything today

It’s such a shame we have to fight so hard for what we believe is right for us and baby but you have to stick to your guns! Mine offered induction at 39 weeks having gone through the list of everything that can go wrong in labour with a big baby. I was like… erm no! 😂

@Gem oh no, it's good they haven't offered it! It's so stressful feeling like you're on a time limit

@Diane omg I know! The scaremongering!! I literally said to her all this is happening too fast and I need some time to process things, no way am I being induced in 5 days time! I'm happy with the plan to rescan in 2 weeks time, it makes sense

Yeah this happened with my first but he was only 7lb 8oz at birth

Yeah today actually baby is 5lb and they got me in for an induction xxx

@Kirsty Really? Oh that's so interesting, thank you for sharing - how many weeks were you when he was born?

@Rebecca How many weeks are you? Are you having it now?

I’m 38w today and yeah first gel went in and nothing yet just waiting till 10 past one I’m more than happy to message you xxx

@Rebecca oh good luck, I feel like 38 weeks is a bit more reasonable that 37! I'll pop you a message now

Me! I was actually terrified knowing this is when they gain the real weight she then arrived at 40+4 weighing 3070g (6lb12) so unless she lost weight in 4 weeks they were a bit wrong.

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@Siobhan thank you so much for sharing that! I'd regret it if I'd accepted induction at 37 weeks and baby wasn't even big 😭. I am going to stand firm on just having extra scans and monitoring how things go. Hoping the little man will make his appearance of his own accord in the next few weeks 🙏🏼🌸🫣

Obviously it could be accurate but I think I’d feel the same as you and want at least that extra scan to double check and if they were sure then I’d probably trust them

@Siobhan yes definitely, I feel like two scans will be even more accurate, and once I have more information I can make a decision. And I'll be over 38 weeks by then and have had time to process all this so I'd be more open to accepting induction then. I think if I had to do it in a few days I'd be a nervous wreck and it wouldn't work

I will say though I ended up having an induction at 40+4 and although it did end a little traumatic that wasn’t due to the induction. I went in with sepsis which I think was from my sweep as I was completely fine before. They gave me an epidural and I literally slept for 4 hours felt nothing I went from 1cm to 9cm in that time but it was her cord getting caught round her neck that meant I ended up having a c section under general anaesthetic. The induction itself was very positive. I know everyone has a completely different experience as we are all built differently but they aren’t all bad ☺️ I’ve chosen to have an elected c section this time but that’s mostly because I only had my first Jan 24 😅

@Siobhan Ok that is encouraging, I think a good thing for me to do now is look at positive induction stories. It's been really helpful reading your experience thank you! Aw you're pretty much going to have Irish twins haha! Mine will have a 17 month age gap 🤗. I didn't have an official induction with my first but after I had an epidural they did break my waters and I also went from 3cm - fully dilated in like 2 hours so I'm hoping I'd respond ok to an induction, I just don't want to accept it too early

No of course I get that let baby cook as long as possible ☺️. Hope it all goes ok either way just remember it’s all worth it in the end 💜

@Siobhan Thank you 🙏🏼 wishing you the best too with your section 🌸

He was induced at 38 weeks but born 39+6 via emergency Csection cause he just wasn’t ready and all the interventions finally stressed him out enough to require him out by any means necessary xx

@Kirsty Oh my goodness that sounds so stressful for you and baby, sorry you had to go through that and he ended up not even being a big baby, it's terrible how they scare people like this. Thank you for sharing your story x

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