I was too scared to look at mine (had been told it looked neat) at 4 weeks pp I decided I needed to look as it was super sore, was slightly horrified so went to the GP who confirmed it was infected!! It doesn’t look neat to me but the GP said it looks good so who really knows!!
Tbf I did make a midwife and my boyfriend look before I did 😂😂
@Victoria I made my boyfriend look as well, all he said was ‘it didn’t look like that before’ 🤣
😂😂😂 I’ve decided that if I’m really unhappy with the way it looks, I’ll get some plastic surgery. I feel like I get a different opinion with every different midwife. Some experienced ones are like “it will heal fine” and then some are like “it is gaping after the stitches came out” which is not what a lady wants to hear about her vag 🙂
I think I decided ide wait till I was 100% done having children to even think about plastic surgery imagine getting it done and then having to get another episiotomy ide be fuming 😂😂
Literally! I did get a second opinion with a gynaecologist and she said as a surgeon she thinks it would be best for me to go for an operation to get it stitched together now but she will have to cut into it again as the healing process had begun but I thought I might as well leave it as I don’t want to start the process again and then if I have another kid just go through it all over again 😂. Maybe with the second they can clean it up a bit down there 🥲
My stitches also broke down and only healing now 4 weeks postpartum well only starting to the other day I finally had a Quick Look it looks interesting I would say, I had 2nd degree tear, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected x
Hey girly ! I also had an episiotomy and mine came apart too so if you ever want to talk drop me a message ! I was scared mine wouldn’t heal but it has ( three weeks pp) not fully and does not look the same as it did but i think looking might have helped me see how it was healing in a way … either way it helped me have my baby safely so that’s what I think every time I see the scar xx