This helps me a lot because I downloaded it as my son turned 6 months last week. The app said 7 day free trial and I was skeptical about signing up cuz I didn’t want to have to pay after a week. So are you saying I can just cancel membership before then and still have access to the app and stuff?
This is so helpful! Thank you
@Allana it made me sign up for a trial too! But I canceled my membership yesterday after reading you don’t need it. You can even access it on the computer and just click “first foods database” without signing in or anything. It’s just the meal part and other stuff that isn’t free! It also isn’t free for logging what was tried. But the info itself is free
I learned you don’t have to sign up for the free trial. For some reason when you run out of your initial Searches it makes it seem like you have to. I just closed the app and didn’t go on it for a few days and then when I did again I was able to access just the foods servings
Thank you! I just started solids with my boy. Will be downloading it.
I’ve been sweating by it. Followed it for my first and she is now the best eater ever (almost 3yo). I’ve started doing it again with my son when he turned 5mo. He is 6.5 mo now and we have already tried 20+ Food (no allergies in our family)
It’s amazing!
Thank you so much! My girl is 5.5 months and we’ve been looking for something like this without having to google every little thing. This is so helpful ❤️