@Willow I use a rapid cool, always do it twice to be sure and always test and it never feels too warm😫 he does have reflux and colic so I guess you could be right and it could be related to being in pain? Just strange how he’s only just started doing it and it’s only when the bottle first goes in for the first few minutes. Thank you x
Following, my 4 month old has also started making this noise when having his milk. I was debating changing his milk to a goats milks or something to see if it was the milk
Do you pace feed my baby did this then we were told to pace feed so they can control the flow a bit more x
@Lily it’s awful isn’t it. We upped his teat size the day after I posted this to give that a try and he has only done this literally like twice since? So strange but maybe he was getting frustrated it wasn’t coming out fast enough x
Maybe formula is a bit to warm? Or maybe they r gassy and it's causing a bit of tummy pain