I’m having mine tommrow and having to stay in with it.. it fails then the gels, then drip then c section…. X
@Alex when they did the monitoring, post insertion, did they not see that you were contracting and sensitive to it? Because they did the monitoring on me and said I was fine! But now I’m thinking maybe they are contractions and not just my vagina hurting as it’s on and off - but I was told contractions start at the top of the belly! Which I’ve not had mines is further down, near my vagina
@Danielle good luck girl! I’m already so tired I don’t feel I can go the whole way with the induction, as in the Gels and drip etc, as I’m worried it might just end in c section anyway so might just go for it directly If things don’t progress
I had the pessary put in at 1:45am yesterday. I’m currently being monitored to have it taken out as the 24 hours is up now. I’ve been having back contractions since. If I am no longer contracting, they will give me the prostin tablet in a bit. But I feel you with the whole vagina thing, my pessary kept falling down so I’ve had to repositioned 3x now and my vagina just feels so sore 😭
I had the pessary and all my contractions were in my back with no belly contractions in ten mins after insertion. They had to take it out after one hour. Belly contractions aren't the normal I found out the hard way, so I'd flag it x
@Elaine oh no! That’s stressful having it fall down so many times, I hope mines is still in there, I assume cause I’m feeling pain it is but I’ve not been checking the toilet to see! I’ve not had back contractions - heard those can be pretty painful! Did they check to see if you’ve dilated at all? As in enough to break waters
I was still feeling pain all throughout, but I wanted to be safe than sorry and not waste anymore time than needed just incase it weren’t as effective if it wasn’t all the way in. Turns out I’m still 1cm dilated after 24 hours 🥴 all those back contractions for nothing! 😭😭😭 I’ve been upgraded to the prostin tablet now, will reassess in 6 hours. Yeah back contractions aren’t fun! I usually get back pains during my periods anyways so I wasn’t too surprised I’d end up with back contractions… How’s it going for you so far?
@Elaine oh god that was probably so disappointing to hear! I’m going to be so pissed off of I go in and they say yeah sorry. Nothings changed! I’m meant to be ‘sleeping now” to rest as it’s my last day as an outpatient before they keep me in tomorrow and idk how I’m expected to sleep! I guess I’m the back of my head I have c section in my mind to avoid using alll the interventions and being their for days, but at the same time I feel like I’m taking the “easy route”‘but I can’t imagine being in pain for days and my vagina having all these things put in only for there to be no progression! I’ve already had three sweeps which led to 1cm dilated and nothing more which just makes shit even more annoying! Another thing that scares me is like I feel this pain of contractions and I’m already like wtf! And it’s just the beginning 😓 what’s in going to feel like when I’m 4-5 cm dilated - hell on earth! Are you going to get your waters broken if you dilate to 2/3cm?
Pessary did sod all for me 😔 I was in hospital for 24 with it stuffed up my V and it felt revolting!! It was actually painful, felt like razor blades up there. I ended up having everything and still had emergency C-section in the end.
They took mine out 4 hours after it was in but I was majorly contracting. Call triage if you’re unsure x