
Anybody use the Milton cold steriliser and find the bottle parts smell afterwards? is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
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So you rice the parts I had no issues with smell rinsing with cold water in the bucket after emptying before reassembling

Normal! But if you do rinse, then they’re no longer sterile.

@A so should I empty the bucket before reassembling the bottles?

@Chloe is this normal for them to have a smell?

@Chloe I used to empty using the lid that comes with the bucket and then refill without touching anything but adding fresh water then empty again with the lid - I found my bottles would go cloudy and have residue otherwise

I’ve definitely experienced it when I’ve used it- but after my first baby in NICU where I was told not to rinse anything afterward, I just never did. I found the smell went away mostly when stuff was dry, or I just shook off the water after taking the bottle out and used it without drying.

Rinsing makes them no longer sterile, tap water is not sterile. But you don't actually need to use sterile products to feed your baby so it's not much of an issue. The smell is normal and not a problem. You are smelling the left over products from the chemicals breaking down into salt and water

It’s been a year since I’ve done it and I was apparently doing it wrong sorry 🙈

Milton cold water steriliser is the way they sterilise bottles in hospital. You don’t need to rinse the bottles before you assemble them. I used to get the bottles straight out of the Milton steriliser water and use them without drying them off. This is how I was told to when my son was poorly in hospital

The smell is normal and I was told by midwife the residue is completely safe. However if you wanted you can rinse with boiled (let cool in kettle) water. Tap water is technically unsterile.

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