
I have a 17 month old daughter, that only says mama, dada, her sister name, sometimes NO, sometimes she says open it, and give me very fade… is there anything I should be worried about at this stage Ps: she understands anything you tell her. Example give me the keys, and some other things.
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If she's understanding tasks you're doing really good! Kids are going to develop at their own pace. These August babies will be taking full sentences before we know it!

my son will be 18 months on the 6th and the past 4 days he decided to not nap and he learned like 10 words and before that he would only sometimes say no

@Amanda Thank you so much .I really cannot wait for her to start expressing herself.. some times I just wonder if she’s too young or I really have a lot to do.

@Cristinia wow! That’s beautiful could you share the words he learnt for me? xx

Repetition. Repeat everything, talk to them. We 'read' her books Instagram has a lot of good tricks too!

we’ve done signing since he was one and he just now starting saying those words but like @Amanda said it’s all repetition mo(re), ea(t), uh oh, done, boo(k),spoo(n), his cousins name, uh(p), dow(n), po(tty)

he was signing more,eat, all done, and potty

That's really awesome @Cristinia !

My daughter only really says dada, sissy, mama, yeah, oh my, hi, all gone and bye bye. She signs more, all done waves hi and bye. If I ask her to hand me something or give her a simple task she can understand to complete it. We talk to her and read to her often so I’m sure she will pick up on more words as time goes on

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