Mine is 10 weeks and was on 4-5oz every 3 hrs but has dropped to 2-3oz every 1.5-2hr Feel like we have gone backwards but he has been poorly.
@Rachel was just about to say this but mines not been poorly he back peddled after his 8 week vaccinations. I made the mistake of going up a teat size, gone back down to size 1 this evening and he took a full 4oz the first time in a week. X
I think at this stage let baby lead the way, although I'm considering early weaning at 4 months because I'm so fed up with the collic x
@Amalia I went to the dr a few weeks ago as he became fussy on bottles and would stop halfway, then scream that he is hungry and then spit it out again. They said it’s probably thrush and gave him meds. Then he had his jabs Then he got a cold But problem still continued so I tried to increase teat size as fussiness is a sign to increase. He’s taking it well but need to make sure I give him breaks as he would be sick otherwise as it’s much faster flowing and he’d have too much too quick.
Mine is 9 weeks and is taking 4oz bottles during the day then a 5oz first thing and before bed, has been like this for 2-3 weeks, as long as she isn’t acting hungry too soon after I think it’s fine!