A year old.
Baby needs 24-32 oz of formula a day
Oh bless him. I love babies with biggg appetites! Pls do give him his bottles, believe it or not, he still relies on the nutrition!
12 months
12 months old
12 months is what's recommended. I will say though that my boys both had big big appetites and actually boycotted formula around 9-10 months. Couldn't force it down their throats and they wouldn't drink water either. We ended up switching them to milk and they did great but I still tried to sneak formula into foods to make sure they got the nutrients. If he's willing to drink formula then keep giving it!
Not until 1 year x
Before you take anyone’s advice to stop formula, Don’t. They get their main form of nutrition from formula.
I stopped formula feeding my daughter at 12 months and transitioned her to full fat milk
I'm going to start transitioning on his first birthday x
I started transitioning my son about 2 weeks before his first birthday but the switch was still rough on his stomach. He had constipation for about the first month
I wish my son ate like a grown man he’s 11 months and I barely can get him to eat food 🥴
@Brianna every baby is different!!! we started really early with purées at 4-5 months when he began sitting up and then started BLW as soon as he was showing interest in food, which was 6 months and it’s been a hit ever since. i’m not saying i’m ungrateful for his great eating but man does it hurt the pockets😅 was not prepared to have to spend another 100-150 on groceries every 2 weeks
@Audrey I started purée around 5 months and starting giving table food around 6 he did show a lot of interest grabbing my plate etc he would chew on bones crazy etc but then nothing. Lml, he start gagging at everything and lord nothing he wanted to eat anymore. He will only take 2-3 bites of something.
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@Brianna every child is different. My LG ate like worked a blue collar job until she hit 13 months. Now every meal is a hit most days, I can barely get anything in her. Hopefully it’s just a phase and he’ll pick up soon!
I think the advice is 12 months