I am still pregnant. However, I am so happy that you are happy and have someone to support you at this time. Congratulations you are doing great!
@Keisha thank you for sharing this with me. Postpartum does seem to take a lot of being patient and being kinder to yourself. And you are doing amazing coping while being a mom 👏🏿👏🏿
awwww we know youre the best mommy/wife ever girl! give yourself some more time & dont try to be perfect because you are all that baby & her dad needs you to be❤️❤️❤️ you listen to your body and do the best you can
Don’t stress at a week at all. Baby blues happen. I know I was slightly numb for like two weeks. My daughter was a preemie so I think my brain just went into protective mode. I don’t think it’s PPD but I do think you’re adjusting to what’s new.
Congratulations on your baby girl 🖤 I feel this daily. My son is almost 7 months old, and I have to tell myself daily that I deserve this happiness. Keep your head up mama, you are doing great no matter what.