Large gestational age

So I had an emergency scan yesterday at 35+5 because of reduced movements. They measured her and she’s coming out at a whopping 6.8lbs give or take! I’m due Feb 21st. Are they going to want to induce me early being quite large for her gestational age? I won’t lie I’m absolutely petrified of being induced and giving birth and it’s just around the corner now.. Being a first time mama I’d love to know everyone else’s experiences/if they’re going through the same thing! Thank you girlies 🥰
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Hi, I had a growth scan at 35weeks ect and said his estimated weight was 6.5lbs.. nothing was mentioned to me about being induced or anything. X

Congrats girl wow my son was weighing 7.10lbs at 37 weeks and they won’t induce me 🤯

My bub is measuring 8.15 pounds at 36 + 2 weeks 🥲 they want to induce me at 37 weeks but I've declined 🫣

They may suggest to be induced, if theres other things along with it mainly. I'd probably say more chance they may induce, I was induced and had very little movement from 29 weeks to giving birth - at my 37 ish week scan baby measured 7lbs 2 and I was induced at 38 weeks and baby weighed 7lbs 15, I would be prepared it could be possible

My baby measured 7lb 6 at 36 weeks 😅 she was born 8lb 1 at 38+3 so please don’t worry, the measurements on the scans aren’t the most accurate!

The scans are not that accurate in my non medical personal experience 🤣

My growth scans with my first were highly inaccurate x

I had a scan on Tuesday at 35+6 and estimated 8lb. I’m due to see a consultant next week and worried what will be suggested. This is my second and have decided against a VBAC - concerned they might bring my date forward

I was scanned at 35 weeks. Little boy measuring 6.9lbs, now 38+3 and he’s on the same line of growth, I’m being induced next Wednesday, when I’m 39 weeks but this is due to his stomach being on the 97th centile, rest of his body is on the 90th centile, they are concerned that his body may get stuck on the way through.

They will probably recommend it however, you can decline this. Although scans are the most accurate way, they’re not actually completely accurate so it’s hard to tell. My boy was estimating 6lb 1oz at 33 weeks so I’ve another scan at 36 weeks and if he’s still climbing in growth then they’ve said they’ll discuss my options and will likely recommend he comes early. I’m having an elective section but live 2 hours away from hospital so I think the concern is if he is bigger he may come before my date and I may not be able to get my section if I’m too far gone x

Hey! I've been in an similar situation to yourself this week , I don't know if theres a right or wrong answer and it's terrifying to me either way but baby got to come out! 😳 I had a scan this week 36 weeks and baby measuring 7lb 3. The doctors were really nice and gave me the option discussed what induction is etc. Baby boy is on the cusp of 97 percentile they said ultrasounds are not always 100% accurate and he was previously over the centile chart. So I'm booked in for an induction when I'm 39 weeks, I think this was best decision for me so I have slight control

My eldest measured 7lb 9oz at 36 weeks This pregnancy 6lb 12oz No one seems too concerned. They did GD test but that's it

@Lucy What was your eldest weight at birth and what week were they born? Thank you for sharing 🙏🏼

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