Announcing and genetic testing

Have our 12 week scan tomorrow and getting genetic testing done at the same time. Our close friends and family know but wondering if it’s best to wait to know all seems okay with the genetics before announcing further? Any thoughts/experience/advice?
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Our first pregnancy last year we went for the 12 week scan and were told everything looks perfect, measurements were in the normal range etc. we were so happy and announced only to family. Had the genetic testing the same day and found out later that week that something was wrong, I had to undergo more weeks of testing and eventually discovered baby had trisomy 13 and we had TFMR because they wouldn’t make it full term 💔 Our situation is rare and I did end up telling everyone in my life anyway because our baby was still real and worth celebrating so it’s completely up to you but I wouldn’t go purely off the 12 week scan as things can still be wrong. Wishing you all the best, I’m sure everything will be absolutely fine for you🤞🏻xx

We always preferred to wait till second scan in case there is any issue and because we would also know the sex of baby by then, only reason we announced early in 2 out of 3 of pregnancies was due to severe hyperemis which basically couldn't keep it under wraps and we didn't want anyone else ruining it and announcing for us. Although some people where pissed last pregnancy that we announced at 20wk as they were used to earlier announcement as we had to get genetic testing done which took time several weeks. Everything came back fine but had issues later with baby measuring small meaning almost daily trips back and forth hospital for checks, scans and things. I'm sure people would be understanding if you decide to delay announcing to others and its your baby, your choice.

@Rachel thank you - and so sorry to hear about your experience

It's such a personal choice, there's no right or wrong answer. For me, if I had to go through a miscarriage or discovering there was something wrong with baby, I wouldn't want to have to hide that from people on a daily basis, or pretend that I was fine. So personally we announced all 3 pregnancies at 6-7 weeks. Like I said though, it's such a personal decision

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