I had it while pregnant. I work in a hospital, so I didn't want to get the flu while pregnant. I did get it this year just because I didn't have time
@Monét how come?
Definitely not. I would never take any jab while pregnant.
Never had one in my whole life! My ex had one for work and that was the first time she ever caught the flu and she gave it to me so that was great. I have had 2 flu’s in my whole life though
decided not to have mine, personally just didn’t see the point. i’ve never had one in my 30 years and haven’t ever got the flu, so not gonna start getting a jab now.
Thank you for your responses - my midwife said it would be best to get it 😑
Yes and absolutely!!!! Pregnant people are immunocompromised and when baby is here, they can’t get a flu shot. Getting “jabbed” offers you and baby protection. Vaccines approved for pregnant people are safe and effective (you would not want to get a live vaccine, such as chickenpox, while pregnant, but recommended and safe vaccines would include TDAP, RSV, flu, and Covid). The only symptoms I had from any of these vaccinations while pregnant was a slight headache and a sore arm that resolved within a day or two.
No and no. Signed, an LPN and nursing school student 😂