I’m not sure about colors but I started off with carrots and sweet potato
Wasn’t a specific colour x
No color, just 1 veggie/or fruit for that week to see if any allergens / just to introduce . Prefer veggies to start off with due to fruit having more sugar. But you can also mix later on
No color but she said nasty stuff first so baby can like it because if they taste the good stuff first then they might not like the green peas etc
@Jody what’s considered nasty because my kids love everything but dairy
@Desiree vegetables I guess. I think green peas are eww , I made puree for her for it and smelt so bad
Was never a discussion about starting with any color! However Our pediatrician reminded us that if we feed certain colored foods that it’s not uncommon for the poop to be tinted or colored the same color that had been fed at first!
I did baby led weening and she started off with an entire chicken leg. Its honestly whatever you feel is best for you and your baby
The color of purées? My doctor told us to just start with veggie purées then fruits. But we did whatever purées we wanted. The veggie ones are bitter and they didn’t take well to them haha