I started potty training at 10 months old, my little girl was fully potty trained by 14months (day and night). I started putting her on the potty and toilet (with potty seat on) just to get used to it and I made a "psssss" and told her "peepee" sound and let her see me use the toilet. I kept doing it and then she peed, and I praised her and made a huge deal out of it every time. That's how I did it, was so easy.. she told me when she needed a "peepee" and I put her on it a few times during the day to keep it in her head. Got her up twice during the night to put her on the toilet. She's 2 next month, I dont have to get her up, she wakes up her self or lasts the whole night. It's all about the effort you put into it and consistency..I did this while heavy pregnant, it was effort but made life much easier
6/7 months that’s sad. What do they even know at that age?
I started at 18 months and I think nowadays that’s considered relatively early. My daughter is two today and she’s not dry at night but during the day we never have any accidents really
I've started introducing the toilet...well placing her on the toilet three times a day to begin with saying pee pee and pssshh. It's always been a thing in our family and all girls have been potty trained lastest by 15 months and boys 20 months...it works and she's already done a few pees on the toilet and one poo. X
I don’t understand this whole starting early thing.. I personally think it’s quite weird tbh! Most people start around 2 some slightly earlier some slightly later x
I’ve been using a potty since baby was 8 weeks old. His poos were soooo explosive. Every day mulitiple times a day I’d have to deal with a poonami and wash/ remove stains instead of enjoying my time as a new mum and sleeping. So I came across something called elimination communication. You basically follow their cues (just like you would for sleep or hunger) and put them on a potty. I was sceptical, but once I tried it I was shocked at just how easy it was and I haven’t stopped since. Very rarely miss a poo signal wees are more difficult. So I guess my answer is whenever you are ready. If you want to do it early, do it early. If you want to wait then wait. Whenever you decide is right for you and your families needs x
I started putting my baby on the potty at 3 days! (Not potty training before anyone says anything!) But at 7 months now she absolutely signals that she wants the potty, and ALL poos are in the potty along with about 75% of wees. My son I started at 9 weeks and he was out of nappies at 16 months. There is absolutely no harm in starting early with regular potty usage. NHS advice has actually recently updated to around 12 months, or when baby is standing/walking. The ERIC website (childrens bladder and bowel charity) says that the best time is between 18&30 months) Do what works for you. But I personally am a huge advocate of infant pottying, also known as elimination communication.
Thank you guys all your advice has been so helpful x
We started a week ago (8 months) as he can now sit on it himself without any support. Going pretty well. All poos and some pees are on the potty.
I didn’t start potty training my first until he was 2 years old