Genuine question - does it really matter if he stands instead of sitting? Sitting is more hygienic - less splashback/spray. My son is almost 4 and, to my mind, it makes very little difference whether he stands or sits as long as it goes in the potty and not in his pants 😅
Put a ping pong ball in the toilet and they like to aim. Because it’s so light, (and hollow) it doesn’t flush down. Teach him to point and aim at the ping pong ball
Just food for thought - unless you either like pee all over toilet (and dripping down the front) or you really enjoy constantly wiping off your toilet, I would enjoy the fact he's willing to sit...
It’s more healthy to sit while they’re young so it’s not a problem
@Jessica this. My son is 2 but recently got very interested in going potty. We bought him all the things but he prefers to sit and tbh this kid is 2 XD he can’t even pour water and aim well u think it’d be good to let him try to aim pee? Idk I just let him sit. When he’s ready or decides to stand so he can use a urinal or whatever we’ll cross that bridge. But for right now little man wants to pee in the potty and I’ll let him
My husband would just pee with the door open all the time so my 4 year old would watch and eventually he started doing it by himself.