My son is on the waiting list for speech and language. But he diagnosed with autism in November and there was a speech and language therapist at his assessment and she said he is a GLP (I already had researched this) so she put me on a list for a information session which I have this morning to give advice and strategies. My son is 4 and in the last few weeks he is saying more phrases (obviously ones he’s heard at previous points) but it is such a slow development! He starts school in September which will be about the time we get to the top of the waiting list for speech!
I gave the first video call on 5th February for my 2 year old that doesn’t speak at all will only sing songs what’s been on tv, what will they do/say on the video call? My daughter won’t sit still for 5 seconds so they going to find it hard trying to get her attention 🙈 xx
My daughter was with a speech therapist until 6, when the therapist told Us we were “making all age appropriate speech sounds”. My daughter now has the vocabulary of a college student, and yet when she is stressed or something new happens, she loses all her language. We did find a new speech therapist who works with lots of kiddos on the spectrum and it has been SOO helpful. She needs help communicating when things are tough, so we schedule the SLP to come during stressful times like physical education at school, so she can give her strategies to use when my daughter says her “words don’t work” ( her way of describing the feeling). All this to say, I would push to get another therapist that can help. The issue isnt oNLY with age appropriate speech sounds, but with the use of those sounds and language—social and emotional communication needs as well. A good speech therapist can help with all of it.
Yes we kept getting discharged due to attention and accessing the therapy due to his attention and needs it is frustrating but to reassure you even without the therapy some children can come on leap and bounds mine progressed even without accessing the therapy