
I need help I don’t think I’m bonding with my baby. I love him so much words can’t describe but he doesn’t find comfort with me, he is happy in his dad’s arms but when I comfort him he cries. I try to sing, whisper, rock but he doesn’t bond with my like other moms say their baby does and they say their baby is clingy, my baby is the opposite and prefers laying down and he will just stare but not smile. He’s is 10 weeks old he was born via c section and I breastfeed in order to create the bond. Is this normal, should I be worried? I try to stay calm and they say babies can sense anxiety but he just doesn’t seem to find comfort with mom. He does have reflux but we are treating the discomfort with gas drops as well as keeping him upright after feedings. Can someone give me some insight if you relate or the science behind this?
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I don't think you should be worried this early on. It took some months for me to feel bonded to my first. The bind really didn't feel deep until he was more active, and more importantly- interactive. The first smile, true smile, will take a few months as well. 4 months for my first- but it will steal your heart away ♡

I agree with the above. Except for me I experienced it more with my second. I never wanted a girl. I didn't want all the pink... I knew it wasn't her fault, but bc of my mindset, things started off distanced. Then she was difficult and wouldn't sleep and cried and cried all night long for the first few months. And i did all the mom things. But I didn't feel connected to her like I did to my then 15 month old boy. Then one day, things completely flipped. I think like Jaquelyn said, when she started to become more interactive... Suddenly I couldn't get enough of her, and vice versa. I still have a soft spot for her, no matter how much i try to not let it show. 😅 Hang in there. Your hormones are still a mess, they could be affecting your perception. If you get to the 6+ month mark and it doesn't seem like anything has changed, then maybe consider trying to sort it out. For now, he might just be in the dad phase. Favourite parents change weekly in our house now... Or even less!

Aw, yea I don’t think it sounds like you’re not bonded. There’s so much pressure put on mums and parents like your baby should be looking in your eyes, your baby should be doing this and that. Honestly, a lot that’s written just piles on unrealistic expectations onto parents, and mums especially. Your 10 week old not looking into your eyes is not a marker of whether they are bonded to you. They are in a super instinctive stage- survival stage - where all they need is your love, feeding them and keeping them warm& safe. The more complex emotional brain doesn’t develop until later. Your baby will already be bonded to you in the appropriate way for their age. It’s very common for babies to not look into your eyes till later. And the same if your baby is also comforted by their dad too. It doesn’t mean they are not bonded to you as well. All the emotional stuff you are talking about will come with time as baby’s brain develops❤️

And staring is taking everything in, - his eyes are just drinking in his new world. What you’ve described sounds like a normal, secure, baby. Other babies whose mums say they are clingy doesn’t mean your non-clingy baby isn’t attached to you.There are so many variations in babies. I wish we were encouraged to observe our babies to get to know them, but a lot of knowledge comes from books which tend to say things that don’t fit the broad spectrum of healthy and normal, and are quite narrow. All those things you’re doing singing, rocking, speaking etc. it sounds like you’re doing amazing and really interacting. He’ll be taking this all in. The interaction will come in time and I don’t think anything you’ve said should be a cause for concern. 10weeks is so young. There’s a lot said about anxiety and it’s understandable why parents might become anxious about being anxious, which is unhelpful. But staying calm outwardly is important. What happens when you feed him?

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