Breast/Combi feeding 🍼

I’d like to know everyone’s thoughts & possible experience with Combi feeding? Im planning to breast feed for the first few weeks (if I can & all goes well) but I want my partner & family to be able to feed little one aswell so decided Combi seems best as I don’t want to pump. Has anyone done this or got any advice on when is best to introduce formula?
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I’m combo and it’s going well. It’s formula dominant as I’m having trouble breast feeding with latch but I express when I can to give LO some immunological benefits of breast milk. I may not be able to go on for a long time but glad he can get some BM. It can be done.

We also do combo with mainly formula due to early issue with latching, so we did formula from day one to ensure he was eating and gaining weight, then I offer boob throughout the day if he indicates he wants a top up plus two ‘longer’ sessions in the morning and evening. His latch has actually got better over time too. Best advice is to not overthink it and get some bottles / sterilising method sorted now so you don’t have to do it during the fourth trimester x

We introduced formula at six weeks, I think it was a good time as it gave us time to make sure that breastfeeding was established but didn't leave it so late that baby refused a bottle. I would recommend looking up pace feeding if you want to continue breastfeeding once you introduce the bottle, so that baby doesn't develop a bottle preference. Also decide on which times of day you'll breastfeed and when you'll give a bottle so that your supply can adjust accordingly. Good luck!

We introduced formula immediately! I was EBF but was concerned about how much she was getting so we used formula to top her off. Now she’s fully combi! I will say, you should considered pumping only bc if you really want to breastfeed, not emptying regularly could affect your supply

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