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My husband's grandma frequently refers to my son (who is 2.5yrs) as "the baby" (i.e. I got the baby some clothes, how's the baby today, what does the baby want for dinner)
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I put that I'd be annoyed becks my grandma cannot remember my baby's name. She remembers her other ones. They live near her. Mine is the only one across the country and so I feel like they just forget her. My grandma calls her "pelotita" but I asked her what my baby's name is and she said "grace" 😭🤣

My sons called the baby all the time.. my cousins boy is also called the baby as well 😂 this is so normal

We all call our 2.5 year old the baby, he’ll always be our baby, just like I’m still my parents baby ☺️

My grandmother still calls me the baby cause I’m the youngest. The grandkids are also the babies. Any child to her is a baby cause she’s so damn old. It’s normal.

I refer to my own son as “the baby” lmfaoo

better than her calling it "my baby" imo

It would not bother me in the slightest simply because my daughter refers to herself as cutest baby 🤣 x

I mean she’s older … that’s what they do. Any kid 5 and under is a bay. It’s not that serious. Lol plus. I refer to my daughter as the baby when I’m talking to others ..

My mother in law calls my son “the boy” and I hate it. It feels degrading and not very endearing.

My cousin was still called "the baby" until she was about 6 🤣

My family called me “baby Sarah” my whole life 😂🙃 my aunt still calls me that and I’m 25 lmao

Up until my daughter was 17 (when I had my son) my mom called her the baby, because she was the baby of the family! It wasn't an insult, why would I or her be offended?

@C my father in law called my son, who's name is Kacey ... Stacey. He also knew all the other grandkids' names, but he had dementia and just called Kace Stacey. We just went with it, and now it'll be a story to tell Kacey as he gets older about his grandad.

Wouldn’t bother me. My girls are still my babies and they are 4 and 2

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