Playing with ears

My 7 month old (just turned) has started playing with her ears either when drinking her bottle or tired/going to sleep. Is this a form of self soothing? Does anyone else’s baby do it?
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Yes, my little one does this all the time. She’s 1 and still does this to this day x

My little one does this also. I find he does it a lot when he’s tired, but also can be from teething as their ears can get a bit sore. Or simply just because they are exploring and like the feel of their ears 😂

My little girl does this when she’s tired. She is 7 and a half months but has been doing it for a while now. It’s actually a good sign to me that she is tired so I can pop her for a nap before she gets overtired. It’s very cute!! ☺️

So glad you’ve posted this. My baby has started doing it too and I was worried about an ear infection but she has no temperature and doesn’t cry. It does seem to be when she’s tired x

Most likely a comfort thing, my little boy did this till he was around 3 and was always an indication that he was tired. Was always the sweetest thing

That’s ladies. I do think it’s the cutest thing 🥰

Can be for soothing or because of teething x

My little one started doing the same thing recently and I was really concerned about it as he never was doing this before. So I booked him for a doctors appointment to check if everything is okay with his ears as he was playing with them quite often and doctors told me that it’s because of the the ear wax in his ears. As many of us know that we can’t clean our little one’s ears when they’re babies so the thing that doctor recommended us to do is to put 2 drops of olive oil X2 a day in the morning and in the evening and then eventually the ear wax will just fall out it self xxx

@Valerie thanks for this! I will have a look x

Any virgin olive oil ?

@Valerie I might do this to be sure . Thankyou!

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