@Christina yes! It is possible to be grateful and excited but also just incredibly exhausted and fed up all at the same time. I think it’s probably no coincidence that I feel this gloomy during the week which is renowned for being the most depressing of the year so I’m just going to feel sorry for myself at be at peace with it 😂
The little squishy baby at the end makes it worth it that’s the only answer I have to why people do it more then once 👶🏼 it’s totally normal to not love pregnancy and so common your not alone there! And by the sounds of it you have been having a hell of a lot of symptoms going, don’t compare yourself to people with kids already, everyone’s different yes I have a toddler but I haven’t had half the problems you have so your definitely not weak pregnancy is hard on the body! Every trimester seems to have its own pain in the arse symptoms (quite literally with my sciatica 😅) Half way there now we can all start counting the weeks down 😄
I'm so glad to know that I am not the only one in the same boat😅I know how difficult it is because this is my second pregnancy and both of them have been very hard in terms of sickness, nauseas, food, smells, dizziness etc. With my first pregnancy, I was so annoyed. Everybody was telling me how wonderful it is to be pregnant, etc, and a final - enjoy it! I was like - excuse me, enjoy what? The everyday vomiting? The non be able to eat most food because of nausea etc?🤣 I'm 18 weeks today, and I can only say that this won't last forever (I hope) and even though it is hard, we are creating the most wonderful and powerful thing in he world. We are creating life. Ps: you go mama!🔥
You are definitely not alone! I have a 12 year old daughter who is super independent, so I don’t need to do much for her and it still seems impossible to cope with all the struggles of nausea, anxiety, is the baby moving enough? is my nutrition good enough?
This will be my third baby but sixth pregnancy and genuinely the only reason I’ve don’t it this many times is because you completely forget how crap pregnancy is afterwards 😂 Each time I’m like God this is awful, it wasn’t like this before and my husbands like yes it was and you said the exact same thing last time. I love my babies more than anything in the world but I do not enjoy pregnancy at all other than the scans. It’s fine to admit that. I know quite a few other Mums who had really hard roads to getting pregnant and thought they’d appreciate and love the experience all the more but they suffered the exact same as the rest of us. I think the time of year is playing a massive part as well, January feels mundane and never ending in general let alone when your pregnant and exhausted xx
I’m having the same challenges as you @Katie . I try to focus on the fact that I should be grateful (mine was not a planned pregnancy.I’m 37 so the shock is real) as I know other friends haven’t been able to have kids or for others it took forever. While for me it happened randomly, easily and spontaneously (I wasn’t planning on having kids!) I feel grateful but I still struggle!! I don’t enjoy the process and once again, I should be grateful because I had no major symptoms so far. No sickness or anything…and yes, I still not find it pleasant . Having to give up on a lot of things I like, being careful about anything you do, body changing, lack of sleep etc. it is hard! I think it’s hard for every woman. Even the ones who always dreamt about being mothers. It’s something women don’t talk enough about it.All of my friends with kids made it look like the easiest journey ever at their time but as soon as I was honest with them they mentioned they felt the same way. We can do it 💪xxx
Yep I feel you! This is my second however I found my first pregnancy much harder on my body and mind than this time round. I think I have learnt to listen to what my body needs more over the past few years even if that means my house looks like a bomb has gone off 😂 once that baby is in your arms all this will be forgotten…until the next time 😅
You have no idea how much I needed to read this, this morning. Thank you, and I’m sorry you feel this crap, but if you ever need to rant I am very much hear!! Can I also add the frustration of when people just tell you how magical this time is, and it’s as though your not allowed to be miserable or struggling