It’s completely normal for babies to self soothe by stroking things! I work in a nursery and many of our babies or younger toddlers soothe themselves by stroking there comforters!
Ask her if she looks for comfy bedding when she goes to sleep…. Her answer is probably yes! Is she suggesting her herself is autistic as well?
If she keeps saying it remind her that autism is passed on through genetics, so if she’s so concerned about it to get herself tested first 🫶🏾
Jesus Christ, your baby is 3 months old! I’d be telling her to piss right off. I’m actually fuming for you. I think people are obsessed with autism these days. Don’t get me wrong it’s great that more kids are being diagnosed as opposed to be labelled naughty and it’s brilliant they’re getting the help they need but (again) YOUR BABY IS 3 MONTHS OLD. You couldn’t even diagnose at this age and I love the feel of soft fluffy things, it’s just comforting and not autism.
I second Chloe, people seem to have a weird obsession with labelling babies and children with autism and it’s bonkers in my opinion?? Yes children can be autistic, but 3 months old???? Ridiculous! Baby being a baby, tell her to sod off
oh bloody hell people are obsessed with labelling tiny babies as autistic. much too young to know. and what's the point in her worrying you, if baby is autistic that's fine and you'll deal with it!
Cut her off 🤣
Literally I just thought it was baby being a baby, but shes obsessed with putting a label on her. But like I said to my partner I'm a sucker for a soft blanket so she's probs just following suit😂
What a ridiculous thing to say.
tell her to do one x
People are obsessed with labels. Sounds like your baby is self soothing. I’m sure we all have our comforts
I don’t think we should be labelling babies so young just tell her to mind her own business that would annoy me something chronic x