Hello! Sounds like you have an orchid baby! My eldest is an orchid and she’s bloody hard work 😂 but she’s also a real firecracker of a child, she’s so smart and funny and is well loved by everyone! The baby phase (and toddler phase 😅) with an orchid is intense and it feels like you’re having a harder time than everyone else because you ARE! My second baby started off as a dandelion, she’s going through a bit of a phase at the moment but she’s nowhere near as difficult as my first baby. It does get better and you find ways to cope, your house may just be a bit chaotic for a few years! https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFTH8TjFEe/?igsh=Zmt1bDU4c2VhcTAx
I never enjoyed the baby stage with my eldest and I don't with my 7mo either. Its just not me. However I love the toddler stage, my eldest is 2 and he's so much fun. I found 10-12 months is when I started to to enjoy parenting a bit more and definitely over 1! Hope it helps to know others feel this way too and that it might change.
My little ones the same, she's always fussing and whining about something, if I manage to put her on her playpen she just screams the house down most of the time and it feels like such hard work, going to work full time, looking after her and the house. I love her so much but it can honestly be exhausting. I think there at this age where they wanna do literally everything and can't and are quite honestly grumpy about it
Hey, my baby is the same at the minute! I understand how you feel. I'm hoping it gets easier. My friend told me the first year is just survival 🤣
My baby is exactly the same, it's such hard work so I completely get how you feel. He will rarely sit still and just chill with us/cuddle either. Hoping it gets easier x