Getting out and about

My little one is 8 weeks old, and the biggest hurdle I'm having is getting up the courage to take her out by myself. I've been for a couple of walks and to the local shop once, but I still find the idea of getting her and the pram etc ready and going out really scary, especially the idea of meeting other people. I really want to and will feel better when I do but having a bit of a mental barrier. My little girl has been colicky and has acid reflux and I get a bit worried she'll get really upset and I won't be able to console her properly when we're out. I wondered if other people felt this way at this stage? I know it's still early but I also know some mums get out quite quickly.
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i literally can’t go out without my mum being with me at the minute, im too scared to go on my own 😂🙈 i went to Tesco yesterday and she started crying, I went bright red, nearly had a panic attack and had to give her to my mum to calm me down. We will get there, don’t compare yourself to other mums x

I’m a second time mum and even I feel that this time round. First was a Covid baby so I had an excuse not to go anywhere lol. I do know though that you have to push through! Im trying to start planing things but loosely, give yourself flexibility for lateness etc

My little boy is 10 weeks old he’s got acid reflux and abit colicky aswell and I had to push myself to get him out I went out properly when he was 4 weeks old and not looked back since! It is a mental battle to get yourself out the door even if it’s just for a walk to get yourself both some fresh air. Try not to worry about what people will think if she gets really upset take it in your stride I had my little boy have a massive melt down in Morrisons xx

Your not alone there.. I have been finding it hard to get out too - it seems very overwhelming! I’m hoping in time it will become easier my little one is 10 weeks and I have started taking her out a bit more now but this terrible weather really doesn’t help!

I was nervous about getting out but once I did it and got more confident with it I have felt so much better. For your sanity as well sometimes it’s nice to have a change of scenery. Have you got any local sensory classes, we have reflux too and if you go to a class with other babies nobody will judge you if they cry as chances are you won’t be the only one! You’ve got this mama 🙌🏼

It's normal to feel this way, surely we all have . However once you do it , you're completely unstoppable 🦸‍♀️

Don’t be hard on yourself - at 8 weeks our babies aren’t used to the world yet, and they can randomly cry at anything for any reason. I’d say it’s much more predictable and gets easier by 3 or 4 months. That being said, if getting out is something you want to do (and it’s not just because another mum on the internet says you should, or that they did), and it’s just a bit of a mental barrier actually getting out the door, know that the more you do it the easier it’ll get. I tell myself that learning how to handle those tough moments out in public will prepare me for the toddler meltdowns that will inevitably happen one day - I’ll have had lots of practice 😅

You’re defo not alone in feeling this, i find it daunting doing it all myself. I’ve done two baby classes and he screamed the entire time. I end up feeling so guilty i’ve dragged him through getting ready, the car, the transition to the pram/a class etc for him to just hate it and cry as he is such a happy baby at home. My partner just keeps reminding me that the more i do it, the easier it will get and that all the practice now will mean i’ll be able to take him to do lots of fun things in summer and not be stuck inside!

Just want to let you know you're not alone. I think having a reflux-y baby definitely makes things harder. I'm always worried about how sick my baby might be if we are out and about, if she will need a feed and then if that feed will be difficult (lots of crying, pulling off the breast etc). We will get there. Especially as reflux generally improves over the next few weeks and months

I started taking my baby out to baby sensory classes by myself last week at 7 weeks and tbh several mums commented how surprising it is that I'm getting out with her this early. So I get the feeling that you're actually in the majority here. For what it's worth I recommend going to baby groups (whenever you're ready!). I actually tried to take her at 6 weeks but chickened out before I got the pram out the door, and the lady that runs the group messaged me to check in and was so understanding! They also made a point of explaining that they fully expect babies to cry, sleep, puke, need changing etc in their classes. So it's a nice safe space to go to. You can lay your baby out on a towel you've brought along if you're worried about vomiting, I've seen several mums do this.

Omg this was me!!!! I had to force myself out to local coffee shops with friends .. I would be SO anxious that I barely touched my food. When he cried or pooped I would feel absolutely overwhelmed and forget what to do .. eventually after having been through it enough times I got less less phased! I’ve had to deal with full blow outs in places like the Ivy .. screaming and crying in restaurants etc and it doesn’t phase me anymore xx

I've bewn the same as my daughter has laryngomalacia and I'm terrified of her catching a cold . I waited until after her Jabs but this last week we have been to a baby group and a story and rhyme group and I've really enjoyed it . I think when you've done it once, the anxiety will subside x

I feel this way too. My daughter in 9 weeks and has reflux also which is up and down and we take it day by day as some days are worse than others. I’ve been out and about with others with her but not by myself with her yet. I also don’t like going out for long periods of time with her and tend to limit myself to an hour otherwise I start to feel panicky x

I think try and go to baby friendly places? Our local library has a rhyme time for babies and toddlers and you can just whip a boob out and feed them, change them right there on the floor, take off their sick covered outfit or whatever 😂 it's very baby friendly so it's less daunting

I have a 2 year old and a 2 month old. I have no issues going out with them separately but together I’m nervous! 🤣🫠 incase my toddler won’t behave but my baby needs feeding/attention! I drag my mum everywhere with me if I need to go out with them both 🤣🙈

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I feel exactly the same, I have anxiety anyway so the thought of taking my little one out and about scares me. I think the more you do it, even if it’s with someone, you get used to the idea that it’s not so bad. Aslong as I have enough bottles and nappies to last for the excursion, and there is a safe private place to change her then I feel ok. I will be taking my little one out in the car on my own for the first time this week and I’m so worried Incase she gets upset and I can’t just stop the car to soothe her. I freaked out the first time we took her in the car and the trip was longer than an hour, because of the 30mins car seat rule. And it turned out to be perfectly fine and she slept the whole way x

hubby and i took baby out once to westfield, it was her first time in her pram and first time we took her out. i don’t know what it was but she kept crying and we had to keep taking her out to console her. he’s gone back to work and i’ve been itching to go out on walks but im so scared for the same reason 😭😭😭

@Remee thanks Remee, it's difficult isn't it!! Hope it's all going ok for you

@Jess such a good idea for flexibility re. Lateness ❤️

@Willow you're right, the weather doesn't help! Hope it's going ok for you

@Kati thanks Kati ❤️. We've started baby sensory, hopefully it will help

@Megan thanks so much Megan, needed to hear this and it's good to take the pressure off! It's great to think it'll be more predictable at 3-4 months, and good thinking with the toddler practice 🤣

@Louisa you're so right, it's partly all the prep that's scary! But it'll be nice to feel ready for summer as you say

@Emma that’s brilliant. Hope it all goes well lovely 🥰

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