Same here!! I spoke to a health visitor before Christmas and she said if she's walking assisted then she's not concerned because that shows that physically she's able to, she said it's likely a matter of confidence so just keep practicing and she'll get there when she wants to! So hard to not compare but honestly your LO is fine to not be walking!
My little one is 18 months and also not waking. Exactly the same, walks with one hand and holding onto things. I took him to a physiotherapist just to check, and he actually said he is hyper-mobile. Whilst toddlers with this are super flexible, it actually results in weak core strength, and that is why most don’t walk until 20 plus months. We have core building exercises we do and it’s only been just over a week and I’ve noticed a huge difference. It might be worth looking into this.
Mine isn't either. He loves walking with my hand and the walker but won't walk independently