@Hannah yeah I offer it during meal times I was just wondering if I need to give it throughout the day as well x
I don't offer it but I leave it somewhere accessible so he knows where it is if he wants it (although he usually just wants it to throw it or chew on it)
I only offer it at meal times xx
Just make sure it’s not replacing her formula. She should be having around 24 oz of formula every day as her main source of nutrition
Mine drinks about 200-300ml a day.. he loves water. He’s offered it at all meal times and throughout the day too x
She's only having about 400-450 of formula now so ill probably have to start letting her have it throughout the day x
I leave her sippy cup out and offer at mealtimes but tbh she just dribbles it out of he mouth
I believe offering water at mealtimes helps with digestion