Looks good my girl says Mumma Daddy/dada Nana Roro (logan her brother) Granda Bye Baba (baby) Brmmmm (Car noise) Ella (our dog) Nala (our bearded dragon) Probably more I've forgotten 🙈🤣 For anyone who is worried just remember they all develop differently and they might be more advanced in other areas
My little girl is literally never quiet she’s like a sponge to copies everything now 😂 Iya No Nana Dada Mama Dandad(grandad) Turtle I say 1 and she goes twoooo She knows lots of animal sounds Baaaa Mooo Snap snap Roarrrr Twit tooo Quack quack Ssssss Row row Buble Pop Circle Eyes Shoes Socks Head Eeth(teeth) Nack (snack) Inner(dinner) Ball Atch(catch) Ished(finished) Aite(Wait) Night night Shhhhh Awww
My little girl is 14 months in Feb also and babbles more than anything she’s never said mum or mama but can say every variation of dad,dada,daddy but recently she babbles more than anything
My little one is 13 months tomorrow. And he says mumma dadda baba,sss and nana. But he’s always been vocal since he was 5 months old. And he’s just started pulling hiself up on things,so I wouldn’t worry too kcuh. She seems pretty far ahead to me
Uhhh my boy is still only babbling 😐 occasional Baba and mama.. I feel like he is behind now seeing this post 😞 I try so hard to get him to copy us, but he won't. Your baby seems well ahead (of my child at least)
Mine is almost 14 months and says (in Spanish) Mama Papa Grr (lion noise) Ya esta (all done) Manda (“mandarina” clementine) Bnana (banana) Basta(enough) Hola(hello) Pepe (is the name of a puppet) Agua(water) Muu (cow noise) Mo (“te amo” I love you) Mana ( for some reason that means give me ) Ñamy ñamy (yummy in Spanish) Quack quack Ohh And I probably forget something but that is what she says the most
My little Girl is 14 months and Just says dada. We’ve been offered spoke speech and language sessions which starts next week
@Cassie nooo don’t feel like he’s behind at all lovely they all concentrate on different skills etc so some might be walking but not talking others might be talking but not walking etc xx
Our little boy will be 13 months on 31st January and can say Badger Door Star Mumma Dada Baby Nana Grandad (gandad) Tractor (favourite word) Turtle Fish Bird Tree Hair Nose Eyes No Moon What is it (every two mins) Car Truck Banana (beenana) Bear Cheese Row row Baa baa Ball Sticker Bubble Pop Wow Toes Button (‘Dutton’ obsessed with buttons) Zip Duck Cuddle Twit twoo Quack Hiya Splash Catch Book Bunneeee (rabbit) Hot Hat Dirty Bye He talks all day long constantly asking what is it and repeats a lot so now having to be very careful about the words we use 🙈. He has been slower on the moving side, crawling but no interest in walking just yet, each baby develops at their own pace I guess x
The only words my girl can say are- Dadda Lishy (her auntie) Nana Mumma (sometimes) Raw (for a lion) Yeah Hiya Awww (when giving cuddles)
I got some great cards with a little player on Amazon for about £10! They put the cards in and it plays the sound - my little one loves it 🥰
@Cassie mines the same. Don’t stress! Most of the babies I know haven’t said more than mama and dada at this stage. I think the babies saying all of the words in the posts above are clearly very advanced!
My LO says loads of words. I can't be bothered to write them all. However has been slow to move. She didn't crawl until almost 11 months and doesn't walk yet. I think they are all different and focus on different things.
@Cassie mine too! Only word said that he actually intentionally knows the meaning of is dada 😂 then just babbling mama nana baba!
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She’s saying a lot Hahha mine is 14 months and used to say mama dada now not saying anything
My daughter says mama, dada, hi and milk lol that’s it. At 14 months old her older sister said a lot more. They’re all different
My LG says "No" and "Ted" (one of our cats names)😂 I'm surprised to see so many babies saying SO MANY words though!! They all develop so differently! I always felt my daughter was "behind" with her speech development it took her aaaaages to babble, but she was walking by 10 months so I agree they focus on different things 😁
My son says about 7 words. Everything else is just incoherent demands and babble. He’s nearly 14 months. I’m just enjoying the ‘yeah’ phase before he learns the word no 😅
We have a 14 month old 3rd feb and she says nothing other than babble and dada I think so I’d say she’s pretty ahead with that