
My 14 month old is starting to let go and stand on his own and when I place him on the floor he sometimes stands I tried standing him against the wall to help him walk with two items placed in his hands he seems to be timid of trying (scared) is there anything I can to do maybe ease that to help him walk I can tell he really wants to but he gives up easily
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Walk backwards in front of him with your hands out as a guide. You can move your hands away more and more as he gets the hang of it😁

Ok so my baby isn’t the only one she is 14 months and not walking I was getting discouraged

@Kaia oh ya same girl trust me

@Kaia I just place him on the wall and give him my hands now to try and get him comfortable

My little started walking a week after her birthday (Nov 2nd). Recommend giving more opportunities to walk without shoes or socks. No walker. No holding little hand either to walk. You'll notice they'll adjust their feet based on having your hands. Usually an unrealistic way to walk like on toes or super fast , etc. Have your lo walk between you and your hubs/so legs. So fairly close space and then continue to expand that space further apart. If they are already cruising, your little will be tempted to continue to hold on to everything so utilize a space with less things to hold onto but still safe. I felt like we went from 5 steps without assistance or falling down, a few days later it was like 7, then 10, then 15 then she was walking. Hope that helps.

Lol just know once they get going there's no stopping.

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