It's really scary .... I just suspect the worse and I knew it hadn't gone. Thank you @Sarah
I have a heart murmur myself, had it since I was a baby and have never had any issues with it.
@Vickie oh gosh this has given me some piece of mind. I'm so sorry I just worry.
My son was born with a heart murmur. It transpired that the hole in his heart that should close at birth didn’t. His diagnosis was PDA/PFO. He’s now 15 months and he was scanned again at 7 months and it was still there. We’re due another echo at 17 months and if it’s still there and there’s any sign of stretching to his heart he’ll have a straightforward operation to close it. Touch wood it’s caused him no problems. It’s perfectly possibly to live a totally normal life without any complications with a murmur depending on its cause of course. Try not to worry too much, but I know that’s sooooo much easier said than done. You can always message me if you want someone to talk to ❤️
A friend has this recently with her newborn. The echo came back fine. Small hole but no concerns. He gets another check up when he’s like six years old or something.
My mam didn’t find out I had a heart murmur until I had a ear and chest infection at the age of 13 it’s never caused my no problems .. my second son was born with a small Asd a hole in his heart , and by the time he was one it closed on his own , my 3rd little boy had a ectopic heartbeat whilst inside me pregnant which resolved by birth .. try not to worry they are usually harmless and like me many will have it and not know xx
@Leanne it’s normal to worry. I didn’t find out about mine until about 8 years ago
We went through this with our boy when he was a few hours old. Spent the night in NICU but we took him home a couple of nights after. This was 2.5 years ago he was absolutely fine 😊. I remember the scary feeling though.
We were really worried when we were told about our sons! He had a PDA, was scanned at 6 months and it was still there and then scanned at 1 year and it had closed up and murmur had gone. The doctors weren’t concerned at all as normally doesn’t cause a lot of problems for them - we were even told that they wouldn’t intervene on it x
@Beth they have said they aren't worried I guess because all his other observations have been great!! As his mum I just notice things and then spend every hour checking on him but in the best way it's nice to know I'm not alone as I really am so worried
When our son was born he had a heart murmur that went away I think at 6 weeks. But when I was a baby I had one until I think I was 10 or 12 weeks