Does your toddler know all their colors yet?

She’s on track with everything. She knows all the animal names, sings songs, talks in 4-5 word sentences. We have been practicing colors a little bit but she calls everything blue still 😂
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I feel like your child is just fine. She’ll get the colors I promise mommy!!

That’s amazing for 2! My daughter is also two and she still calls every thing purple. It’s fine.

Gosh I’m so proud of my baby girl. She knows she numbers to 20, colors, sings the abcs and knows the letter sounds!

@Erin she’s 2 years & 4 months

She really is fine. Don’t worry yourself. Just keep going over them with her

Mine knows red (orange is also red), blue (purple is also blue), and green. He can identify yellow, but can’t say it yet.

She’s doing great! I think they all just learn what they are interested in. My kid can name you every type of construction vehicle, different trains, cars, etc. complex sentences, can count, knows colors but if you ask about animals- it’s like he could care less except the common ones 😂 If you want to focus on colors- try naming everything by name and color. This is how we taught it from early on. For example on walks - a green car, yellow school bus, orange leaves, in the house: here is your red coat, blue cup etc. overtime they learn from the repetition.

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