@Courtney thank you. I hope so. He can go to a person or an object when asked (though sometimes he loses his focus mid-way, especially if doing the command means going to another room, he can get distracted by a toy he sees along the way) but he can't actually bring stuff yet.
My son is the same! He babbles a lot but doesn’t say much actual words! He points at books when reading etc but still doesn’t point at actual stuff in room or if I ask him. I’m not worried atall ! All babies are different and I know he’ll do it when he’s ready x
Honestly I would not worry, it’s age appropriate for him to loose concentration midway because that toy might look more appealing! Just constantly talk to him, say words “ball” “cup” whatever he’s doing. Eventually words will come! I’ve worked in early years and even though I know what my child should be doing, I still worry if she’s behind. I think it’s a natural feeling, we are all in this together mama! Keep doing what ur doing! Also the fact he’s sociable is fantastic! The pointing will also come, even if he takes ur hand and leads u to what he wants is communicating!
Understanding comes before speech and the fact he’s babbling is a great sign. I would keep saying short commands, by 2 in the EYFS (early years foundation stage) they need to be able to follow a simple instruction like “where’s your drink?” Or “can you get me your book”. I would keep doing what ur doing, around 18 months they apparently have a huge leap in speech!