He just looks at me sometimes and his bottom lip goes out and he starts hysterically crying 😭 He just seems fretful- he can’t relax in the bath properly either and starts screaming as soon as I’m trying to get him ready for bed. I just hope he’s happy and not all worried or scared or something 😬 he will do the odd smile but just always remains very fussy and can’t relax
Just to reassure you that babies that old don't know fear or scared. It's our brain translating their expressions into something we know. Honestly it's normal for babies to test their facial movements in all different ways. As for cries that's the only way they know to communicate. If they are fed, watered, dry and warm the cries will most likely just be that they want a bit of comfort and the smell of their mums and dads. In terms of screaming at bath and bed. It's most likely the cold and change in temps that is causing that. They don't know/understand so communicate as a cry.
Absolutely normal don’t worry at all social media is a highlight reel and basically massively edited and a lie! ❤️❤️ Both my girls were as you described, babies nervous systems take a while to mature so they are just generally jumpy until then and don’t know how to calm themselves down! When we hold them even if they are crying and screaming it teaches them that bond and slowly the ability to be calm xxxx you’re doing a great job!!
Thank you so much, oh the other thing he does is cry in his sleep 😴 😭 and wake upset if he’s not already sad xx
You can check with the health visitor if you’re worried. Though it can be perfectly normal we don’t always know what’s going on inside with them, colic, type and mode of feeding, ear aches, or other bodily issues that may make him uncomfortable and you wouldn’t know any different. Could be temperament. You can also have a think of how he’s naturally soothing himself and look into that or diff techniques. You are obviously a doting mum but make sure you’ve got piece of mind, too. X
Awww thank you @Gillian @Caroline @Emma @Lauren I really appreciate your responses. He has to have his dummy all the time! And if it falls out he frets too! Probably my fault for using it so much to begin with but he was born via emergency section so I couldn’t really lift him or do much for the first two weeks so the dummy was a life saver! He just seems to panic and be fretful all the time but maybe as he grows he can self soothe a bit more- I’ve got a couple of comforters too but he’s too young to hold them yet so I lay them next to him, he does have reflux and colic and laryngomalacia bless him so that’s probably just annoying him xx
Sounds like he's just having a bit of a rough start with the colic and reflux but otherwise I think you're projecting adult thoughts and feelings onto a baby. As others have said, crying and facial expressions are the only ways they can really communicate so that's all they have. To make an adult cry would mean something was hugely wrong. For a baby it could just mean they want a cuddle, have an itchy foot or they have a headache. It's not the same! Try to relax - you're doing a great job!
Loads of babies have the wrinkly / frowny old man vibe with smiles and giggles in between. I don't think there's anything to worry about. What makes you think that baby is scared or fretful? Babies frown - it's cute! Your baby is also absolutely teeny so can't do all that much yet anyway. They're kind of potatoes for months tbh! You're probably seeing older babies and please remember, social media is a highlights reel, not real life!