I had the copper one and HATED it
@Baled Potato do you mind me asking what you hated about it? You definitely don't have to answer im just trying to get all the pros and cons
@Caroline it made my cramps awful to the point where I was vomiting from the pain
@Baled Potato that's what I'm afraid of😭
@Caroline the pain was worse than child birth.
@Baled Potato im so sorry you dealt with that! That's crazy
So i got the mirena IUD that is suppose to just have the hormones in the uterus and not the body. I was talked out of the copper one, saying it would make me bleed heavier and cramp more. I couldn't take the night sweats, mood swings, & vivid dreams. I felt like I was going backwards in my post partum. I was finally starting to feel normal before I got it. I got it taken out on the 8th. Idk what to do now. A little nervous to get the copper one. Im still waiting for the hormones to wear off. I've never had birth control in my life so at 31 this was DIFFERENT for me lol
@Indi i had the Mirena over like 12 years and finally figured out after getting it back in after I had my first son that it made me absolutely bat shit crazy and sick. I thought that i just had mental health problems all that time and it turned out to be mostly the BC. I do have PMDD but not the bipolar and depression and anxiety that i was diagnosed with while on the BC. I am terrified of getting the copper one but I 1000% can not do hormonal bc ever again or pregnancy so im struggling with this decision.
@Caroline yes I thought i was going crazy, I lasted a month and told them to get this shit out of me
I loved the copper iud. They scared me about super painful cramps and since my cramping was always painful I agreed to try the Mirena. The hormones was just too much for me, I was constantly PMSing and felt absolutely crazy. Once I switched to the copper IUD, it was a whole new world. I had like no side effects from it, my periods were fine, yes crampy, but manageable and the schedule was back to normal. Honestly, it was a breath of relief to not feel insane and to know that my body was protected from pregnancy and the hormones.
@Jill how long did it take for you hormones to go back to normal
I got the copper IUD inserted two months ago. Haven’t had a period yet because I’m still breastfeeding. I had the hormonal iud before and I was just constantly spotting. So I’m hoping this is going to be better than that. But we will see. So far so good.
I just had one a month ago and I got first period since, a little cramp but nothing too painful as they made it sounds. So far no complications and I feel soo much better than when I was on the pills